Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama's smooth talking non-sense

Today, February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama (D) declared that this new stimulus bill, is "the beginning of the end" ..... setting our economy on the right path towards economic recovery.

This is the biggest government grab in our country's history. If Obama is correct - that this record spending bill is the "first step" towards the path we should be on, we are well on our way towards socialism.

In his speech, he referenced the names of presidents who were in office when most of us weren't alive.

How many people even know what "The New Deal" was?

Obama is taking the same approach as the little boy who tells his father who is broke, "just write a check." Problem is, if the father does that, he goes to jail for writing bad checks. When politicians do it, they get re-elected.

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