Friday, February 27, 2009

Jewish leaders have egg on their collective faces

Big, Big shock - Jewish leaders are surprised that their beloved Hillary Clinton has now turned on Israel, harshly criticizing the government for not moving quicker on allowing aid to Gazaans.

Below is a link to the story. Few things bother me more than people in power who are supposed to be so smart.

For decades, prior to her becoming Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), she had an animus towards Israel. She belonged to and associated with groups that were sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

Then when she ran for Senate from New York, capital of Jewish America, she had a makeover as Israel's new best friend, and neither Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman (D-CT) nor Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) were shy in their support for her candidacy - both assuring Jewish voters that Hillary will vote the "right way" on Israel. I can forgive Lieberman because he has since done penance for his association with the Democrat left in Washington, but Chuck Schumer has become even more arrogant and pompous. Yet, I have no doubt that when he runs for re-election, he'll have no trouble on getting support from the pro-Israel Jewish community.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Simple Question for my Congresswoman

I received an email today from an Obama operative named Mitch Stewart. In his email, which is going all over the country, he asked me to contact and thank my senator, Chuck Schumer and congresswoman, Carolyn McCarthy (who I ran to unseat in 2002) for supporting the stimulus bill known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

I am going to call both my elected officials, phone numbers were provided in the email, and ask them 1 simple question: Did you or your aides read the bill before voting "Yes" for it?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama appoints critic of Israel to top Intelligence Post

To those easily conned Jews who believed that the appointment of Rahm Emmanuel to Chief of Staff would somehow provide "gate-keeper" status to protect Israel's security, just a month into his presidency, Barack Obama has selected as his chief Intelligence adviser, long time critic of Israel, Chas Freeman Jr..

Here is what we know about Freeman from Arutz Sheva, Israel National News Agency:

Typical of Freeman's viewpoints is a statement he made in a speech before the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs in 2007, in which he more or less blames international terrorist acts on Israel: "American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans. This has had the effect of universalizing anti-Americanism, legitimizing radical Islamism, and gaining Iran a foothold among Sunni as well as Shiite Arabs. For its part, Israel no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them. Palestinian retaliation against this policy is as likely to be directed against Israel’s American backers as against Israel itself. Under the circumstances, such retaliation – whatever form it takes – will have the support or at least the sympathy of most people in the region and many outside it. This makes the long-term escalation of terrorism against the United States a certainty, not a matter of conjecture."

Freeman also is a strong advocate of talking to Hamas, which he says "is the only democratically-elected government in the Arab world."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Are Washington politicians idiots?

That's obviously a rhetorical question. We've seen and heard liberal democrats bash corporate leaders who flew in their "corporate jets" into DC asking for bailout loans. The temerity of these people to fly, rather than drive.

The recent "stimulus bill" that Obama signed into law provides tax breaks for corporations who purchase company jets.

How many more examples of idiocy do you think there is in the 1000 plus page bill that these politicians didn't even bother to read before they shoved it down our throats?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In Your Face (Israel bashers)

Even those who aren't particularly sympathetic to Israel 's Benjamin Netanyahu, could get a good measure of satisfaction from this interview with British Television this week. I guess it can be attributed to Minister Netanyahu's days studying history at Harvard.
The interviewer asked him: "How come so many more Palestinians have been killed in this conflict than Israelis?" (A nasty question if there ever was one!)

Netanyahu: "Are you sure that you want to start asking in that direction?"

Interviewer: (Falling into the trap) Why not?

Netanyahu: "Because in World War II more Germans were killed than British and Americans combined, but there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the war was caused by Germany 's aggression.
And in response to the German blitz on London , the British wiped out the entire city of Dresden , burning to death more German civilians than the number of people killed in Hiroshima .
Moreover, I could remind you that in 1944, when the R.A.F. tried to bomb the Gestapo Headquarters in Copenhagen , some of the bombs missed their target and fell on a Danish children's hospital, killing 83 little children . Perhaps you have another question?"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama's smooth talking non-sense

Today, February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama (D) declared that this new stimulus bill, is "the beginning of the end" ..... setting our economy on the right path towards economic recovery.

This is the biggest government grab in our country's history. If Obama is correct - that this record spending bill is the "first step" towards the path we should be on, we are well on our way towards socialism.

In his speech, he referenced the names of presidents who were in office when most of us weren't alive.

How many people even know what "The New Deal" was?

Obama is taking the same approach as the little boy who tells his father who is broke, "just write a check." Problem is, if the father does that, he goes to jail for writing bad checks. When politicians do it, they get re-elected.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Britain Bans Anti-Islam Dutch MP

Below is but one example of the power, threat, danger, and attempt at world domination that Islam is spreading throughout the Western civilization.

Worse, these are the very people President Barak Obama believes he can negotiate with in good faith and establish a relationship based on mutual understanding and respect.

British officials detained Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders on Thursday as he tried to enter the country despite a government warning that he had been banned. Wilders reported Thursday afternoon that he was being held at Heathrow airport and would soon be forcibly returned to the Netherlands.

Wilders had flown to Britain in hopes of showing his anti-Islam film “Fitna.” The film intersperses verses from the Koran with images of Muslim violence in an attempt to demonstrate that Islam teaches violence and hatred.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fireproof - The Movie

It's the weekend so I am taking a brief break from politics, and watched the movie Fireproof, starring Kirk Cameron. The movie has a heavy Christian theme but deals with a couple, who like millions in this country, are on the brink of divorce, but through faith are able to save their marriage.

I cried like a baby, in a masculine way of course, and highly recommend the movie to everyone.

As a note, the acting isn't that great, but the theme and message are very, very powerful.

Marriage requires work and compromise from both sides.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Helen Thomas baits Obama to go after Israel

The "brilliant," legendary, Old, journalist/columnist/Republican hater Helen Thomas got to ask President Obama a question during his first press conference. Her question? After asking whether the taliban, whom she referred to as "so-called terrorists," were hiding out in Pakistan, proceeded to ask whether the president knew of or believed that any country in the middle east possesed nuclear weapons, a clear attempt to get Obama to single out Israel.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Obama Tax Cheat machine

I wrote about this earlier, but it seems that the tax cheat machine for Obama's cabinet nominees doesn't end. This is from today's New York Post editorial:

* Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle ponied up $120,000 in back taxes to save his nomination as secretary of health and human services. He lost the gig anyway - but not before being strongly backed by Obama.

* Nancy Killefer, a former director at McKinsey & Co., withdrew her name from consideration for the new position of chief performance officer because of a failure to pay unemployment taxes for domestic help at her DC home. The $946.69 bill was paid only after a lien was placed on her house.

* New York Federal Reserve Bank President Tim Geithner was confirmed as treasury secretary, despite not paying - until his nomination - more than $43,000 in self-employment taxes from 2001-2004.

* And now, the husband of Labor Secretary-designate Solis had tax liens on his California auto-repair shop dating back 16 years, until finally settling them last week. Her nomination remains unresolved.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is Venezuela the next Germany?

I never, ever throw around the "Nazi" or "Hitler" name glibly. Politicians do it all the time. Activists do it all the time to discredit opponents. So when I say that Jews in Venezuela are in grave danger and that the ground is fertile for the same kind of attacks as occurred in the 1930's against the German Jewish community; destroying of businesses, Jews being fried from their jobs,..... I'm not saying it for effect. Here is a partial from the AP printed in New York Newsday, Feb. 7, 2009.

Police are now posted outside the synagogue, and prosecutors said Friday that the security guards "could be involved." Venezuela's attorney general ordered them to court on Feb. 13 - two days before Venezuelans vote in a referendum that could enable Chávez to extend his rule indefinitely.

A week before the invasion, a Chavista columnist named Emilio Silva posted a call to action on Aporrea, a pro-government Web site, describing Jews as "squalid" - a term Chávez often uses to describe his opponents as weak - and exhorting Venezuelans to confront them as anti-government conspirators.

"Publicly challenge every Jew that you find in the street, shopping center or park," he wrote, "shouting slogans in favor of Palestine and against that abortion: Israel."

Silva called for protests at the synagogue, a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, seizures of Jewish-owned property, the closure of Jewish schools and a nationwide effort "to denounce publicly, with names and last names the members of powerful Jewish groups present in Venezuela."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"The American People Voted for Change"

That's what President Obama said in an angry response to Republicans who won't go along with the Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid spending bill. Well, you're right Mr. President, the American people voted for change, but unfortunately you never articulated what that change would be.
You didn't promise the American people that you would spend hundreds of millions of dollars on STD prevention, or billions for student aid, expanded welfare and health-care benefits, the hundreds of millions for better museums and prettier government buildings, and the millions for smoking-cessation programs and bee insurance, yes, bee insurance, to protect bee keepers potential losses if and when bees die off and can't produce honey.
These "much needed" programs that the president warns we must protect NOW to avoid an "irreversible" economic crises, never ONCE came up during the campaign. Hillary was right when she said that Obama was great at giving "speeches."

Voters may have voted for change, but they didn't vote for a train wreck.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The "Hiccup" administration

President Obama promised, HE PROMISED, the most ethical, transparent administration in history. Just as Bill Clinton did before him. We also had such "promises" from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - that her Congress was going to be different from previous congresses.

So let's look at some of the president's cabinet appointments:

Tim Geitner for Secretary of the Treasury; Didn't pay taxes for several years, used his kids camp attendance as a business write off,...

Tom Daschle for HHS withdrew his nomination because of tax issues.

Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State - many conflicts of interest because her husband has accepted millions of dollars from Arab countries for his foundation, library,....

Eric Holder for Attorney General - apologizes for "poor judgement" in signing off on the Marc Rich pardon, and for the pardons of FALN terrorists.

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) described the Geitner tax problem as a "hiccup."

It seems that Democrat scandals, tax evasion, conflicts of interest,.... can be whitewashed by the elite media and political power brokers as honest mistakes or hiccups, while Republicans would have be driven out of town for much lesser offenses.